qua., 04 de nov.
Se você tiver dúvidas sobre registro, por favor contate: Diogo Dias em diogo@w6connect.com ligue para (11) 3280-2804 ou (11) 3280 6622 O Supply Chain Virtual Summit Live receberá os principais líderes de Supply Chain do Brasil. O Summit de 2020 receberá mais de 300 participantes.
Time & Location
04 de nov. de 2020, 09:00 BRT – 05 de nov. de 2020, 17:30 BRT
Virtual Early Bird 1 day
Normal price is (R$)2350 BRL. This ticket is only available if you are an end user, do not register here if you are a solution provider or vendor. Please use the solution providers and vendors registration. This ticket is non refundable and cannot be cancelled. INCLUI: Além das palestras, material didático e certificado.
R$ 2.350,00Virtual Early Bird 2 days
Normal price is (R$)3350 BRL. This ticket is only available if you are an end user, do not register here if you are a solution provider or vendor. Please use the solution providers and vendors registration. This ticket is non refundable and cannot be cancelled. INCLUI: Além das palestras, material didático e certificado
R$ 3.350,00Enterprise 2 days (6 TICKETS)
This ticket is non refundable and cannot be cancelled.
R$ 13.400,00Enterprise 1 day (6 TICKETS)
This ticket is non refundable and cannot be cancelled.
R$ 9.400,00Palestrantes
R$ 0,00
R$ 0,00